
SeungHee Ku 

-Lecture: I'm a lecturer in color science at Chonnam National University
·Special lecture on painting at the Ventilation Museum...
-Colaboration: Natural Dream Enterprise Advertising
· Orange Life's 2020 Calendar Production
· A collaboration of Paminogen cosmetics...

Solo Exhibitions
2021 22nd solo exhibition (Art Nine Gallery)
2021 21st Hyundai Department Store (Gallery H, Cheonho Branch)
2021 20th Lotte Department Store (Gallery Tom, Suwon)
2020 19th Jamsil Lotte World (BGN Gallery)
2020 18th solo exhibition (Seoul, Point Gallery)
2020 17th Individual Exhibition (Gangnam Kyobo Tower BGN Gallery)
2019 16th Individual Exhibition (Myeonghwa Damda)
2019 15th Individual Exhibition (Seongseong Church Gallery)
2019 14th Individual Exhibition (Gallery Daon)
2018 13th solo exhibition (Gallery Alice)
2018 12th Special Invitation Contest (Green Cross)
2018 11th Hyundai Department Store Special Invitation Contest (Gallery H)
2017 10th Individual Exhibition (31 Gallery, Seoul)
2016 9th Individual Exhibition (Gallery 5, Gwangju)
2016 8th Individual Exhibition (Point Gallery Seoul, Busan)
2015 7th solo exhibition (Atlier Gallery)
2014 6th Invitation Individual Exhibition (Imagination Gallery)
2013 5th Individual Exhibition (Jeong Hwa-rang)
2010 4th Individual Exhibition Scent Of A Woman (Insane Art Center
2008 3rd Individual Exhibition Scent Of A Woman
2007 2nd Individual Exhibition (Legendary Art Center)
2003 1st Individual Exhibition ( (Kwan Hoon Gallery)